Effective Immediately, Bitches!

To whom it may concern;
 I, Mr. Chris "Bud" Pryor, Mr. Jason Skelton, Mr. Frederick Quarles Jr and Mr. Christopher Small. can no longer be subject to the harassment and games this company has played on myself and my family. There is no way we can come to a mutual agreement on my employment lasting past today. It was my understanding that when I was hired into this company I would be surrounded by mature and professional individuals, ones who would not invade in mine nor my families' personal lives.. I am requesting a monetary settlement in the amount of ___________ for emotional distress, invasion of privacy, harassment to myself and my family. There will be no negotiating of any terms as non of the terms upon which I was hired were adhered to. I demand this request be met immediately before I am force to take further action. An immediate response is required.
P.S. Check this out I bet not (meaning you mutherfuckers bet not think about) get a text message, phone call, see a damn tag with a stupid ass message, receive anything in the fucking mail be it magazine, letter or a fucking postage stamp that'll make me even think it's you Imma sue the shit out of ur asses. Literally!


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