The Republican Voting Process

To all of you registered and unregistered voters, do you understand the voting process? My oldest daughter Cristina Renee Hamilton has a very interesting story on how Republicans in Tallahassee, Florida use votes from registered voters who didn't vote during President Obama's campaign for John McCain's benefit.

Well when working for Inspired Technologies during President Obama's campaign I put a picture of Barack Obama up as my screen saver. No one could see my computer unless they came behind my desk. But because Craig Goodson, the Republican, was going through my desk, as well as watching every move I made on the computer and wanted me to think it was every man in the office, except him. He had Chris Pryor, the only black man in the office, come to me shortly after putting up the Obama screen saver and say "so you are a democrat"..."I said I prefer not to chose but yes I have voted democratic in the past"....Mr.Pryor has a look of evil on his face as he said "we will see how you like working with Republicans."

 That was only the beginning Chris Pryor isn't a Republican but because Craig Goodson wanted my daughter to follow him he was doing things to control Chris Pryor (the black man in the company) hoping he would have an infuence on Cristina Renee Hamilton. Craig was showing Cristina what he thought she didn't know about Republicans. Using a person he felt she would trust. - Russell Simmons

Well to fast forward after the quitting the company Craig at the IT company had somebody make this video. I believe it's something like "Im in love with Obama" kinda like T-Pain's "Im in Love with a Stripper"... Again somebody at my job came to work and just had to show me this because Craig was watching my computer and wanted to make sure he saw that I saw.

Tell the rest of the story please? This is ridiculously hilarious. - Russell Simmons
Well Craig was just following instruction from John Whetsel he was probably the Republican in Tallahassee with the most money during that time. He told me if I left his company I was going to have problems. John Whetsel, was once a owner developer for a real estate company in Tallahassee and he was in the business of taking advantage of minorities, women especially. Well my Aunts had purchased 3 houses from John Whetsel and put a deposit on one he never built back in 07. John Whetsel never took the properties out of his name, so my aunts were just paying money on something they would never own, while John Whetsel was sending them fake letters from people telling them they were interested in purchasing those same properties. However the only way they would do business with my Aunts was if I was to contact John. My Aunts were getting those letters when I worked with Craig after leaving John's company because he had Herbert Chapman, the only black man working for him telling me how "John should be in jail for making fake contracts".
Now tell us how all that connects to the voting process during the Obama campaign...- Russell Simmons
Well when it came time to vote my aunts came up to live in Tallahassee with me for a while. Now when they bought the houses from John Whetsel he told them he had to be in control and they let him control things because he knew his intent was to steal everything they had. He used the IT company to show me he was the reason behind them losing their business/home. They never wanted to talk about it because John wanted them to bring in their friend to so he could do the same thing but when they did I told the woman not to do it because he was going try to get her fired from her job and then cause her to lose everything. Because I never came to any of the meetings when John was trying to pursuade my Aunt's friend she didn't qualify for his program. Well my Aunts were running around talking about how they weren't going to vote for Obama and because they left my house before Nov.4th I am certain they didn't. However, because John had their information from when they purchased the houses and after taking their business in my Miami, I am certain some person in Tallahassee used my address and voted for John McCain in their names.


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